Halloween and colours

” Boo “ !!

Tonight’s not all about black, signifying death, orange carved pumpkins, to ward of unwanted spirits and purple‘s aid in magic spells.

Halloween itself does have some very dark connotations, that said, not many folks want to miss out on a party.

This is also the time of year however, to celebrate and appreciate the last of the summer harvest.  A true  celebration of colour with all  the glorious colours of our fruit and vegetables which we so often take for granted.

N.B. It might not be a great idea though, to go to a fancy dress party with a basket of fruit on your head-not a good look which ever colours suit you.

So it’s out with the old and in with the new, as we come together to celebrate and say goodbye to the summer.

As we welcome in the Autumn season, with the sights of the rich autumnal colours painting the landscape , it is a visual reminder that each season brings its own unique colour palette, connecting the cycles,  that can not only be seen but also felt.

Enjoy your colourful celebrations!

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